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Mgr. Martin Pjecha, Ph.D.

obrázek Martin Pjecha

Odborné zaměření:

Nejvíce mě zajímají nábožensko-politická disidentská hnutí na předmoderním Západě, zejména husitské hnutí v Čechách v 15. století. Týkalo se to vizí řádu a reformace, které přispěly k radikalizaci a dokonce k revolučním důsledkům. Zvláště zajímavé pro mě bylo využití starších diskurzů (křesťanský platonismus, apokalyptika) husitskými intelektuály k představě hlubokých proměn společnosti a spirituality. V poslední době se můj zájem začal posouvat také dále do období raného novověku, zejména ve vztahu k holistickému nábožensko-politickému myšlení velkého myslitele Jana Amose Komenského.

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Vystudované programy, školy

září 2013 – září 2022
Central European University (Budapest, Hungary – Vienna, Austria). PhD in Comparative History, Summa cum laude

Dissertation Title: "Theo-Politics of the Hussite Movement: from Reform to Revolution".

červen 2021

Center for Religious Studies, Central European University (Vienna, Austria). Doctoral Masterclass "Whither Blasphemy: On the Resilience of an Idea, Past and Present"

červenec–srpen 2017
Eurasian Religions in Contact (ERiC) Summer School, Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum

červen 2017
Challenging Grand Narratives, Medieval history workshop, Trinity College, Dublin.

září 2016
Material Exchange in the Early Modern World, The Princeton-Oxford-Münster-Budapest-Istanbul Early Modern History Workshop at Oxford University

červenec 2016
What Makes Us Human? Philosophical and Religious Perspectives in China and the West, Summer University at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

červenec 2015
Religious Violence in Global Perspective, Summer University at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

září 2011- červen 2012
Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), Master of Arts degree in History, with a specialization in Religious Studies.

září 2005 - říjen 2009
Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada), Bachelor of Arts degree with Honors in History.


září - prosinec 2022

Visiting professor, Department of History, Central European University (Vienna, Austria).

od 2019
Team member and researcher at the Centre for Medieval Studies (Prague, Czech Republic) on Projekt EXPRO 19-28415X "From Performativity to Institutionalization: Handling Conflict in the Late Middle Ages (Strategies, Agents, Communication)"

únor - květen 2018
Instructor: "Religious Discord & Dissent in the Medieval West", Faculty of Humanities (FHS), Charles University, Prague.

Organizer of first annual doctoral conference: "Enchantments, Disenchantments, Re-enchantments: Religion, State, and Society through History", 29 June - 1 July 2017 (Center for Religious Studies, Central European University, Budapest)

leden – duben 2017
Teaching Assistant for CEU Master's level course "Interdisciplinary Methods of Comparative History".

září 2016–leden 2017
Teaching Assistant for CEU Master's level course "Historiography: Themes in its History and Approaches to its Theory"

únor – duben 2016
Translator and Research Assistant for Mihai Surdu: "Whose Blood, Which Genes? Narratives and Sampling Strategies in Roma-Related Genetic Research from 1921 up to Today", Institute of Advanced Study, Central European University, Budapest.

Research assistant to Professor Matthias Riedl, including editing Brill Companion to Joachim of Fiore, and Central European University Press Publication The Apocalyptic Complex

Zahraniční studia, stáže, stipendia apod.

PhD fellow, Centre français de rechercheen sciences sociales (Prague, Czech Republic)

Associate PhD fellow, Centre français de rechercheen sciences sociales (Prague, Czech Republic)

Josef Dobrovský Fellowship for foreign researchers (Prague, Czech Republic)

Research Stipend at Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (Mainz, Germany)

Full Doctoral Fellowship from Central European University

Granty, projekty

od 2019
Team member and researcher at the Centre for Medieval Studies (Prague, Czech Republic) on Projekt EXPRO 19-28415X "From Performativity to Institutionalization: Handling Conflict in the Late Middle Ages (Strategies, Agents, Communication)"


Péter Hanák Award (Central European University, department of History)
Annual recognition of the year's best thesis in the History department.

Academic Achievement Award for First-Year Doctoral Students (Central European University, department of History)


září - prosinec 2022

"Theo-Political visions and experiments: Europe from early Christianity to the Age of Revolution", Department of History, Central European University (Vienna, Austria).

únor - květen 2018

"Religious Discord & Dissent in the Medieval West", Faculty of Humanities (FHS), Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic).

leden – duben 2017
Teaching Assistant for CEU Master's level course "Interdisciplinary Methods of Comparative History".

září 2016 – leden 2017
Teaching Assistant for CEU Master's level course "Historiography: Themes in its History and Approaches to its Theory"



Theo-Politics of the Hussite Movement: From Reform to Revolution (Brill, 2024).


"Táborite Revolutionary Apocalypticism: Mapping Influences and Divergences", in Damien Tricoire and Lionel Laborie (eds.), Apocalypse Now: Connected Histories of Eschatological Movements from Moscow to Cusco, 15th-18th Centuries (London, 2022), 31-59.

Thomas A. Fudge (ed.), "Origins of the Hussite Uprising: The Chronicle of Laurence of Březová" (Book Review) Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 13, no. 1-2 (2021): 110-114.

"Hussite Eschatological Texts (1412-1421): Introduction and Translations", in Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon (eds.), Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts 1: Continental Europe (Leiden, 2021), 23-83.

"Táborite apocalyptic violence and its intellectual inspirations (1410-1415)"Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice 11 (2018), 76-97.

Editorial assistant for Matthias Riedl (ed.), A Companion to Joachim of Fiore (Brill, 2018)

Editorial assistant for Nadia Al-Bagdadi, David Marno, Matthias Riedl (eds.), The Apocalyptic Complex: Perspectives, Histories, Persistence (CEU Press, 2018).

Translation and commentary on Hussite apocalyptic prophecies in a collection of early modern prophetic literature, under the organization of Dr. Lionel Laborie (University of London). Publisher: Brill.

"The Changing Perception of the Hussites in the Thoughts and Works of Johannes Nider", in Vojtěch Bažant and Věra Vejrychová (eds.), Kacíři, barbaři, nepřátelé. Odlišnost a stereotypy v pozdním středověku [Heretics, barbarians, enemies: Difference and stereotypes in the late middle ages] (Prague, 2016), 181-218.

"Spreading Faith and Vengeance: Human Agency and the 'Offensive Shift' in the Hussite Discourses on Warfare", The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice 10 (2015): 158-184.

"The Christian Rejection of Animal Sacrifice by Daniel C. Ullucci" (Book Review) International Political Anthropology vol. 7, no. 1 (2014): 115-123.


"Táborite Revolutionary Apocalypticism: Mapping Influences and Divergences", in Damien Tricoire and Lionel Laborie (eds.), Apocalypse Now: Connected Histories of Eschatological Movements from Moscow to Cusco, 15th-18th Centuries (London, 2022), 31-59.

Thomas A. Fudge (ed.), "Origins of the Hussite Uprising: The Chronicle of Laurence of Březová" (Book Review) Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 13, no. 1-2 (2021): 110-114.

"Hussite Eschatological Texts (1412-1421): Introduction and Translations", in Lionel Laborie and Ariel Hessayon (eds.), Early Modern Prophecies in Transnational, National and Regional Contexts 1: Continental Europe (Leiden, 2021), 23-83.

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