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Místo konání:
Přednáška se uskuteční v angličtině v rámci workshopu Vůně náboženské autority pořádaného projektem Alchymie vůní Oddělení pro studium antického a středověkého myšlení FLÚ AV ČR.
Přednáška je přístupná všem zájemcům. Připojení přes Zoom: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/98787379977?pwd=Yk9HSytrVFlULzAxVUczVjRFNERKQT09
Growing from research undertaken for my latest book, The Great Western Schism, 1378-1417: Performing Legitimacy, Performing Unity (CUP, 2022) my new project emphasizes the sense of smell as a vehicle to inculcate political authority. While seeing, hearing, tasting, and touching are overly emphasized by the historiography, smell has not been fully considered. Looking at the ceremonials surrounding the granting of the Golden Rose, a precious object that the pope offered to the most ardent defensor of Christianity of his time, I will discuss how the rose taught its audience (via its aroma) how to recognize legitimate authority, and maybe how authorities "controlled" this smell to assert themselves.
Joëlle Rollo-Koster is professor of medieval history at the University of Rhode Island, the smallest state in the USA. She is the author of numerous articles and books focused on the society and culture of Avignon and its papacy, and the Great Western Schism. Her most recent books are Raiding Saint Peter: Empty Sees, Violence, and the Initiation of the Great Western Schism (1378) (2008); Avignon and its Papacy (1309-1417): Popes, Institutions, and Society (2015), and The Great Western Schism, 1378-1417: Performing Legitimacy, Performing Unity (2022). She is with Robert Ventresca general editor and editor of the forthcoming 3 volumes Cambridge History of the Papacy (in production, 2024).