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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 1/2009, Number 2







  • Tomáš Velímský (University of J. E. Purkyně, Ústí nad Labem), The Issue of Land Ownership of Czech Noblemen and Members of the Princely Retinue between the 11th and 12th Century of the Princely Retinue between the th and th Century
  • František Šmahel (Centre for Medieval studies, Prague), The Compactata of Basel, their Drafting and Ratification
  • Pavel Soukup (Centre for Medieval studies, Prague), The Spread of Theological Polemics in the Fifteenth Century. Anti-Hussite Manuscript from the Charterhouse of Erfurt
  • Agnieszka Januszek-Sieradzka (The John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland), Luxury Products on the Royal Table in Late Medieval Poland


Research digest


  • Jaroslav Svátek, Kudy přišel Aristoteles? Francouzská debata o kulturním rasismu


> english abstracts


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