Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
tel.: (+420) 221 183 245
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10.00 –11.00 Registration
11.00 –11.30 Welcome and introductions
Doc. PhDr. Michal Pullmann, Ph.D., the Dean oft he Faculty of Arts, Charles University (t.b.c)
Prof. PhDr. Ivan Šedivý, CSc., the Director of the Department of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (t.b.c.)
Introducing CARMEN – The Worldwide Medieval Network, Prof. Catherine Clarke
11.30–11.45 Award ceremony project prize
11.45–12.45 Keynote lecture
Pavel Soukup(Center for Medieval Studies, Prague) "The Hussites as a Community in the Late Medieval Church"Discussion
12.45–14.00 Lunch (at participant's own expense)
14.00–15.30 Medieval research in the Czech Republic, Presentation of medievalist departments in the Czech Republic
15.30–16.00 Coffee/tea
16.00 –17.00 Workshops for prospective projects, I
CARMEN prize special commendation:Black Death Digital Archive (Joris Roosen)
Magisti Joannis Hus Opera omnia (Petra Mutlová)
From Performativity to Institutionalization: Handling Conflict in the LateMiddle Ages (Pavel Soukup)
17.00 –18.00 Workshops for prospective projects, II
Cultures of Europe's Historic Routes: Call for Potential COST-Action participants (Marianne O'Doherty/ Anthony Bale)
Archiregnum Hungaricum of the Angevins (14th c.) (ValentinaŠoštarić)
Revitalize the Saxon Monuments from Transylvania. A proposal (Ioan-Cosmin Ignat)
18.00 – 19.30 Guided Tour of the city center
20.00 Dinner
9.15 –10.00 CARMEN Executive Meeting (open to all delegates); News, elections, and business, including announcement of the new Annual Project Prize
10.00 –11.00 Workshops for prospective projects, III
Networking among Noble Families: Cases from the Japanese Medieval Experience (Rieko Kamei-Dyche & Andrew Kamei-Dyche)
MECERN – The Medieval Central European Research Network (Nada Zecevic)
11.00 –11.30 Coffee / tea and preparation for Forum
11.30 – 13.00 Forum (former Market Place)
13.00 –14.30 Lunch (at participant's own expense)
14.30 –15.30 Workshops for prospective projects, IV
Make your digital research more sustainable and visible: Data Sharingand Data Management Techniques & Tools for Digital Medievalists(Ulrike Wuttke)
Visions of community – Late Medieval Central Europe (KaterinaHornickova/ Christina Lutter)
15.30 –16.30 CARMEN BoardMeeting (closed session)
16.30–17.00 Coffee / tea
17.00 –17.30 Closing words and thanks
17.30–18.30 Excursion to the Carolinum (Dr. Herglová)
19.30 Dinner
9.00 guided tour around Prague Castle (limit 25 persons, no additional costs)
15:05 and 15.30, guided tour of Karlštejn Castle (English, two groups à 16 people). Paid by participants either cash or by card, 750 CZK , i.e. 30 EUR. The list to sign for each ofthe excursions will be available at the registration.
Weekend September 7-8 the XV. Summer School of medieval studies takes place at the Sázava Benedictine monastery (in Czech). The participants are invited to visit theschool and the monastery
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