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MMAg. Alexandra Kaar

Image Alexandra Kaar

Research Interests:

Politics and culture of the medieval Czech Lands, in particular the Hussite Wars; Religion and war in the late Middle Ages, history of the Later Crusades; Towns in the late Middle Ages; The Luxemburg dynasty (1308–1437) in its European context

Visiting Fellow at CMS, Prague (Marietta Blau-Scholarship of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy)


Since 2012 Doctoral candidate in History, University of Vienna, Austria Preliminary title of the PhD dissertation: Eine Frage des Seelenheils. Wirtschaft, Krieg und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen 1420–ca. 1436 [For the Salvation of the Soul: Economy, War, and the Embargo against the Czech Hussites, 1420 – ca. 1436] (in German) PhD supervisor: Prof. Philippe Buc

2010 MA in historical research, auxiliary and archival sciences,Austrian Institute of Historical Research, Vienna

2006 MA in History, University of Vienna


2016 Marietta Blau-Scholarship of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy

2004–2005 Erasmus scholarship, Université Paris IV – La Sorbonne, Paris, France


2012–2016 Predoctoral teaching and research assistant (Universitätsassistentin), Department of History, University of Vienna, Austria

2006–2012 Junior researcher at the Institute for Medieval Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Regesta Imperii Department

University Courses Taught

2012–2016 “Medieval survey: Sources, 300–1500 AD”

2015 “Society and War in Europe from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century“ (co-taught with Andrea Brait)

2013–2014 “Economy, War, and Society in the Late Middle Ages” (co-taught with Philippe Buc)

Since 2012       Doctoral candidate in History, University of Vienna, Austria

Preliminary title of the PhD dissertation:

Eine Frage des Seelenheils. Wirtschaft, Krieg und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen 1420–ca. 1436 [For the Salvation of the Soul: Economy, War, and the Embargo against the Czech Hussites, 1420 – ca. 1436](in German)

PhD supervisor: Prof. Philippe Buc


2010                   MA in historical research, auxiliary and archival sciences,Austrian Institute of Historical

                            Research, Vienna

2006                  MAin History, University of Vienna

List of Publications

Edited volumes:

Kaiser Sigismund (1368–1437): Zur Herrschaftspraxis eines europäischen Monarchen [Emperor Sigismund (1368–1437): Practicalgovernanceof a European monarch] (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters Beihefte zu J. F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii 31, Böhlau 2012), co-editedwith Karel Hruza

Ruling Composite Monarchies: Sigismund of Luxemburg (1368–1437) (Cursor Mundi, Brepols, forthcoming), co-edited withSuzanaMiljan and Christopher Nicholson

Zwischen Feinden und Freunden: Kommunikation im spätmittelalterlichen Krieg [BetweenFoeand Friend: Communication in LateMedieval War] (Böhlau, forthcoming), co-editedwith Petr Elbel and Robert Novotný

Journal Articles:

'Das Greiner Marktbuch: Inhalt, Datierung und Auftraggeber eines Repräsentationsobjektes' [The Grein Marktbuch: Content, Dating, andCommissionersof an Objectof Prestige], Pro CivitateAustriae (2011):

'Sigismund von Luxemburg und die Sechsstädte der Oberlausitz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Bautzen' [Sigismund of Luxemburg andtheUpperLusatianSix-Towns-League with Special Attention to Bautzen], Neues Lausitzisches Magazin N. F. 14 (2011): 21–40

Articles in Edited Volumes:

'Trade and Crusade: Sigismund and the Embargo against the Czech Hussites', in Miljan, Kaar, Nicholson, eds, Ruling Composite Monarchies (forthcoming)

'Neue Mittel der Kriegsführung? Wirtschaft und Krieg in der Politik König/Kaiser Sigismunds' [New MeansofWarfare? Economy and War in King/EmperorSigismund'sPolicy], in Martin Bauch, Julia Burkhardt, TomášGaudek, Paul Töbelmann, and Václav Žůrek, eds,Heilige, Helden, Wüteriche: Herrschaftsstile der Luxemburger [Saints, Heros, Berserks: The Luxemburgs' Way ofRuling] (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters Beihefte zu J. F. Böhmer, RegestaImperii, Böhlau, forthcoming)

'Der Oberlausitzer Sechsstädtebund vom 14. bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts" [The Upper Lusatian Six-Towns-League from the 14th to the mid-16th century], in Ferdinand Opll and Andreas Weigl, eds, Städtebünde in der Geschichte[Leagues of Towns in History](Beiträgezur Geschichte der StädteMitteleuropas, Studienverlag, forthcoming)

'Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit der Nachrichtenübermittlung in der Oberlausitz während der Hussitenkriege' [Oral andWritten Communication in Upper Lusatia during the Hussite Wars], in Elbel, Kaar, Novotný, eds, Zwischen Feinden und Freunden (forthcoming)

'Die stadt (...) viel privilegirt, aber wenig ergötzt. Sigismunds Herrschaftspraxis und seine Urkunden für die „katholischen" königlichen Städte Böhmens' [Sigismund'spracticalGovernanceandhis Charters forthe"Catholic" Czech Royal Towns], in Hruza, Kaar, eds,Kaiser Sigismund, 267–300

'Urkunden, Rituale und Herrschaftspraxis eines europäischen Monarchen:Eine Zusammenfassung' [Charters, Rituals, and Practical Governance of a European Monarch: Summary], Hruza, Kaar, eds, Kaiser Sigismund, 467–475

Invited Talks:


"Secrets, Lies, and the Trouble with tracing Illicit Trade: Some methodological Reflections", Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Durham

"For the Salvation of the Soul: Economy, War, and the Trade Ban against the Czech Hussites, 1420 – ca. 1436", Medieval Heresy and Dissent Research Network, University of Nottingham


"Der Oberlausitzer Sechsstädtebund vom 14. bis zur Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts" ["The Upper Lusatian Six-Towns-League from the 14th to the mid-16th century"], Austrian Urban History Study-Group, Vienna

"Wirtschaft, Krieg und das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen (1420 – ca. 1436)" ["Economy, War, and the Trade Ban against the Czech Hussites, 1420 – ca. 1436"], Department of History,University of Vienna, and Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Masaryk University, Brno


„Eine Frage des Seelenheils. Das Handelsverbot gegen die Hussiten in Böhmen aus stadtgeschichtlicher Perspektive" ["What can be learned about late Medieval Urban History by studying the Trade Ban against the Czech Hussites?"], Institute for Comparative Urban History, University of Münster


"Der Heilige auf der Flucht. Mirakel und deren Funktion in westfränkischen Translations-berichten des 9. Jahrhunderts" ["Saints as Refugees: Miracles and their Function in 9th century West Frankish translationes"], Medieval Hagiography Study-Group, Stuttgart

Conference Papers:


"'And no one shall deliver any goods whatsoever to the aforementioned heretics': Embargo and Crusade during the Hussite Wars (1420–1431)", International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds


"Ginger, Java Pepper, and a Brewing Copper: Licit and Illicit Trade during the Hussite Wars", German History Society Annual Conference, Queen Mary University of London


"Trade and Crusade: Sigismund and the Trade Ban against the Czech Hussites", International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds


"Neue Mittel der Kriegsführung? Wirtschaft und Krieg in der Politik König/Kaiser Sigismunds" ["New Means of Warfare? Economy and War in King/Emperor Sigismund's Policy"], "The Luxemburgs' Way of Ruling", International conference for early career researchers,Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Heidelberg

Conference Organisation:

Sessions 117–717 "Ruling, Administering, and Maintaining a Composite Empire: Emperor and King Sigismund of Luxemburg, 1368–1437", International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds Together with Suzana Miljan, Croatian Academy of Sciences, Zagreb
International conference "Kommunikation im spätmittelalterlichen Krieg" [Between Foe and Friend: Communication in Late Medieval War], Centre for Medieval Studies, Prague Together with Petr Elbel, Masaryk University, Brno and Robert Novotný, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague



Radio interview „Leagues of Towns in History: The Upper Lusatian Six-Towns-League" "From handwritten charters to electronic files: The practical uses of auxiliary historical disciplines", Interactive public presentation on the occasion of the 650-year-jubilee of the University of Vienna (Direction: Dr Katharina Kaska)

"The Empire strikes back: The Embargo against the Czech Hussites, 1420–ca. 1436", Public presentation on the occasion of the 650-year-jubilee of the University of Vienna


Radio interview "600 years ago: The Council of Constance"

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