CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

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Mgr. Stanislav Hlaváč

Image Stanislav Hlaváč


Research Interests:

medieval religious literature, especially hagiography; Order of Friars Minor; Franciscan Observants

phone: +420 221 183 257

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since 2018 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies (Ph. D.), dissertationThe Concept of Work in the Early Franciscan Movement

2016-2018 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, History, specializationThe Civilization and Culture of Medieval Europe (Mgr.), thesis A Miracle or an Ugly Fall from an Olive tree? A Medieval Controversy over the Stigmata of Saint Francis of Assisi

2012-2016 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, History (Bc.), thesis Elias of Cortona: the Vicar of Saint Francis of Assisi and the Minister General of the Friars Minor


2021 and 2022 Scholarship at Pontificia Università Antonianum, Rome


since 2024 Beghards, Brethren, and the Witches Sabbat: The Semantics of Denigration in Late Medieval Czech Lands, Czech Science Foundation (GACR), PI Mgr. Pavlína Libichová Cermanová, Ph.D. (team member)

2023 Medieval Libraries of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Bohemia in the Context of Central Europe, Czech Science Foundation (GACR), PI Mgr. Adéla Ebersonová, Ph.D. (external collaborator)

2020-2022 The Spiritual Practice of the Early Franciscan Movement, Charles University Grant Agency (GA UK), PI

2017-2019 "Creative Copying": Miscellanies of Ulricus Crux de Telcz (d. 1504), Czech Science Foundation (GACR), PI prof. Mgr. Lucie Doležalová, M.A., Ph.D. (external collaborator)

List of Publications

Articles and book chapters
Zlatá mládež: František z Assisi a volný čas v legendách 13. století, in Oddech a zahálka: čas bez práce ve středověké Evropě, edd. Vojtěch Bažant - Martin Šorm - Lucie Korecká - Matouš Turek, Praha 2022, s. 85-103.

Omnia bona reddere Deo. Pojetí práce mezi benediktinskou a františkánskou tradicí, in Proměny františkánské tradice. Od teologie a filosofie ke kultuře a umění, ed. Petr Hlaváček, Praha 2019, s. 15-32.

„Hle bratr Eliáš, který špatnou cestou kráčí." Spletité osudy Eliáše z Cortony († 1253), in Fenomén františkánství v interakci s „jinakostí", ed. Petr Hlaváček, Praha 2016, s. 24-41.

Reviews, reports, and annotations
"Ex parva predicacione magnus ignis accenditur". Preaching in East-Central Europe in the Late Middle Ages, Prague, 7-9 April 2022, Revue Mabillon 33, 2022, s. 234-238.

Legenda o bratru Hroznatovi/Vita fratris Hroznatae, ed. Petr Kubín, Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 13, 2021, s. 124-125.

Josef Šrámek, Břevnovské opatství ve středověku: Břevnov, Rajhrad, Police nad Metují a Broumov, Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 11/1, 2019, s. 125-126.

Jan Stejskal, Mnich za časů renesance, Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 10/2, 2018, s. 302-304.

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