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Imaginary Heraldry; origo gentis narratives; British Isles in 12th-15th century; Medievalism
2011-2014 History (Bc.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2014-2016 History (Mgr.), Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2016-2023 Ph.D., Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2015/2016 (Winter semester) - Université de Jules Verne Picardie, Amiens
2017/2018 (Winter semester) - University of Wales, Aberystwyth
2022 (June-September) grant scheme START; United Kingdom, Cardiff University and University of Oxford (Bodleian Libraries)
2019–2023 From Performativity to Institutionalization Handling Conflict in the Late Middle
Ages (Strategies, Agents, Communication) (GAČR EXPRO 19-28415X) – assistant.
2020–2023 Historické prameny na dosah. Zpřístupnění středověkých písemných dokumentů formou kontextuální databáze (AHISTO), projekt na podporu aplikovaného společenskovědního a humanitního výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací (TAČR TL03000365) – team member
2021–2023 Surrounded by Ancestors. Depiction of Luxembourg and Plantagenet Genealogies in the 14th and 15th Centuries (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016935 START program of the Charles University; project No. START/HUM/057) – team member
since 2023 The Controversy over Wyclif and his 45 Articles in European Perspective (GAČR 23-06902S) – assistant.
2022-2023 - Member of the professional and popularisation team of the VISITIS (Social Science and Humanities Research) project, set up by Prague City Tourism.
"The Painting of a Coat of Arms on Shields as a Dispute Between Painters and Shield-makers." in Proceedings of postgraduate and early career conference in medieval archaeology in Prague (2022), Medieval Europe Research Community Papers, Vol 1, edited by Jakub Sawicky and Maria Vharga (Wrocław: Yellow Point Publications, 2024). (co-author Barbora Uchytilová)
„Merlinův oddech. Odpočinkem k duševní rovnováze" in Oddech a zahálka. Čas bez práce ve středověké Evropě, edited by Vojtěch Bažant, Lucie Korecká, Martin Šorm, Matouš Turek, Prague NLN 2022.
Lions of Ilion and Lions of Albion, The Trojan Myth in English Heraldry of the 15th century, Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae 27/2022, pp 259-276.
Surrounded by Ancestors, Depiction of Luxembourg and Plantagenet Genealogies in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Historical Studies on Central Europe 3, no. 1 (2023): 42–79. (co-author Mgr. Barbora Uchytilová)
Documentary film for Křivoklát castle: Václav IV. - útěk do křivoklátských lesů, Václav IV. druhá tvář českého krále.
Koruna z břečťanu – Velšský nacionalismus, koronavirová krize a středověk, Dějiny a současnost 5/2021
2022-2023 - Member of the professional and popularisation team of the VISITIS (Social Science and Humanities Research) project, set up by Prague City Tourism. Writing and editing content aimed at a British audience.
Gildas, Ozkáze británie by Helena Polehlová, Argo, Praha 2023, Dějiny a současnost (2024/5).
History of Wales by Blanka Říchová NLN, Praha 2020, Dějiny a současnost (2022/1).
Heraldic Miscelanea by Richard J. Moll, University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool 2019, Studia Medivalia Bohemica (2021/1-2).
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