CMS Centre for Medieval Studies

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Mgr. Barbora Uchytilová

Image Barbora Uchytilová

Research Interests:

14th century wall and panel painting; medieval portraiture; medieval painting workshops; ancestral galleries

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2019–present: Charles University, Catholic Theological Faculty (Doctoral degree, History of Christian Art), Between Imitation and Assimilation. The Mechanism of Transfer of Influences from Italian Painting Workshops to the Environment of the Lands of the Czech Crown on the Example of Drawing

2017–2019: Charles University, Catholic Theological Faculty (Follow-up Master's degree, History of Christian Art), The mural paintings in Karlštejn castle in the light of the restoration effects

2014–2017: Charles University, Catholic Theological Faculty (Bachelor's degree, History of European Education), The Mural Painting in the Chapel of the Holy Cross


April 2021 – March 2023: Surrounded by Ancestors. Depiction of Luxembourg and Plantagenet Genealogies in the 14th and 15th Centuries. (November 2022: Vienna; May–June 2022: Siena and Florence; October 2021: Vienna; May 2021: Florence)

2020 Erasmus + internship, Hungary, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Institute of Art History

2019 AKTION scholarship, Austria, Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte


2023–2026 LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ (projekt č. LM2023062) - team member, coordinator

2021–2023 Surrounded by Ancestors. Depiction of Luxembourg and Plantagenet Genealogies in the 14th and 15th Centuries. (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016935 Grant schemes at the CU START programme, sub-project No. START/HUM/057) - principal investigator

2020–2022 MEMORI (LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, project no. LM2018101) - team member


2019 Miloslav Cardinal Vlk Award for academic year 2018–2019
2018 Professor Milan Togner Award – Paragone 2018 Student Conference, Wall paintings in the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Karlštejn in the light of restoration interventions.

List of Publications

Book Chapters:

"The Painting of a Coat of Arms on Shields as a Dispute Between Painters and Shield-makers." in Proceedings of postgraduate and early career conference in medieval archaeology in Prague (2022), Medieval Europe Research Community Papers, Vol 1, edited by Jakub Sawicky and Maria Vharga (Wrocław: Yellow Point Publications, 2024). (co-author Jakub Jauernig)


Surrounded by Ancestors. Depiction of Luxembourg and Plantagenet Genealogies in the 14th and 15th Centuries. 2023, Historical Studies on Central Europe 3 (1):42-79. (co-author Jakub Jauernig)

Medieval Portrait: Tradition or Innovation? In: Authority – Tradition – Originality. Sborník mezinárodní doktorské konference KTF UK, pořádané dne 25. 2. 2021 (in print).


Barbora Uchytilová (rev.): Karel IV. a Emauzy. Liturgie – text – obraz, in: Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica, 11(2)/2021, 325–327.
Barbora Uchytilová (rev.), Slovanský klášter Karla IV. Zbožnost, umění, vzdělanost, in: Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica, 11/2021, 130–131.
Barbora Uchytilová (rev.), Jana Kunešová – Petr Přibyl (eds.): Když císař umírá, in: Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 10(2)/2018, 309–310.

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